Monday, June 27, 2005

projects projects everywhere!

So, I'm working on this book prospectus with a fabulous title: Student Authorship in Composition: The Production and Politics of Belief. And I'm collaborating on an article with Ron Fortune on forgery and plagiarism. And I'm also writing--in my head at this point--an article on Bourdieu with another fabulous title that I owe to the esteemed life director. And this morning, as I'm sitting in the coffeehouse talking with a grad student, I get a fabulous idea for another article on depression and argument. And then there's the one I want to write on plagiarism and social theories of punishment. And then I want to do stuff on shame and social class. And on authorship, responsibility, and motherhood. And then I'll pass out and die.

But seriously, my brain, it's kinda productive right now. It's thinking back to those summer days spent at the Syracuse Borders and saying, shit, if we could do that, we can do anything.

My mentor at UMass, Judy Goleman, always told us to be happy when we find those spaces we could fill with future projects and to write them down. Hence this entry.

But the other reason for this entry is to remind myself how fruitful my larger project is and to be happy about it. This work, this life, I like it.


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