Tuesday, January 04, 2005

deep and meaningful observations about IL

  1. vanity plates are quite popular
  2. bumper stickers are not
  3. (this isn't really an observation, but a "yay"): no required yearly vehicle inspection
  4. the longer one lives here, the more likely one is to perceive the slight inclines in the roads as "hills"
  5. there are no easy ways in to most businesses on the major parkway in Bloomington. one has to go to the next light and enter from the side and it's not as though frontage roads help. they're just as hard to access.
  6. there's no grocery store that compares to Wegman's
  7. sirens are so rare that when one does hear them, one automatically thinks the terrorists have struck again (okay, that's an exaggeration. but really, I never hear sirens)


At 3:23 PM, Blogger susansinclair said...

I guess I should have asked about cool grocery stores at those interviews, eh?

At 7:02 PM, Blogger senioritis said...

Wegmans deprivation = cause for sincere sympathy. I had to do it for two years whilst in Texas, and no one there believed me when i said that Syracuse, New York, had a better grocery store than anything in Dallas-Fort Worth.


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