Sunday, January 07, 2007

and then there are the days I'd like to strangle her

The Belly girl, that is.

I mostly write on here about how funny and sweet and downright snuggly wonderful my girl is, but yesterday when we got back from the park she was banished to the back yard for 2 hours or so. I was so mad at her I had to have her away from me.

We went to the park as we usually do on Saturday mornings. First thing she does is promptly drop a bomb, but that's nothing new. Get that out of the way, and time to play. Except instead of playing or running or even simply yelling at all the other dogs, she got her grubby little paws on a MASSIVE rawhide that some asshole a) brought to the dog park and b) left there for my girl to find. Every dog owner in the world knows that rawhides start fights.

This was a fight between me and my girl. She ran around the park looking like she had a big cigar hanging out of her mouth. As soon as I'd get two feet from her, she'd up and run, making me look like quite the ass for continuing to try to chase her and get the damn thing from her.

In the end, we were at the park for about 45 minutes--that's how long it took her to finish the damn thing. She got no exercise, ate a 1/2 pound of rawhide, and then came up to me when she was finished like nothing had happened. Grrrrrr.

To the yard, young lady. To the yard.

In other news, I don't want to give too many details, but let's just say that eating better and actually cooking better is a hell of a lot easier when you're cooking for two.




At 5:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooh, oooh details, please. Is this your way of saying you are in the family way??? I have a ton of kiddie stuff I could pass down. ; )


At 8:20 PM, Blogger aerobil said...

Jesus H., no. You were kidding, right?

At 6:28 AM, Blogger susansinclair said...

Yeah, because JW uses words like "in the family way" in an unironic fashion... No, I think we can get enough mileage out of this whole "cooking for two/domestic/cuteness"...tee hee...


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