Monday, December 27, 2004

why I like lists: a list

1. lists provide the illusion of control
2. items on list are cross-off-able
3. items on list are finite
4. lists are aesthetically pleasing
5. parallelism ;)
6. lists leave more room in one's head for other, more important things
7. lists help us remember while paradoxically allowing us to forget
8. lists provide a sense of accomplishment

Movies I want to see over break:

1. Ocean's Twelve
2. Spanglish (even though I really don't like Adam Sandler)
3. Garden State
4. Amy
5. The Village


At 4:38 PM, Blogger senioritis said...

One of the important things that my second mother-in-law taught me: an excellent feature of keeping lists is that whenever you do something, you can write it on your list and immediately cross it off. "Watch three hours of sitcoms--check." Then you always feel like a great accomplisher.

At 4:41 PM, Blogger aerobil said...

Watch 3 hours of Law & Order SVU: check. Help! I'm addicted!


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