Wednesday, January 05, 2005

have I relocated to Seattle?

I know I said the climate here didn't exactly compare to Southern California. And I know that just last week I was rah-rahing about the 60-degree weather. But that's because it was something different. I now feel as though I've relocated to Seattle. So my question of the day is, does it ever stop raining in Normal, Illinois?

Today's forecast calls for freezing rain turning to snow later this evening. At least with snow, Belly can stick her whole head in it and come up with a cute white face. With rain, not so much.

But my New Year's resolution was to be happy with what I do have: shelter from this freezing rain, work that I enjoy doing, and a doggie wog who makes me laugh every day. Oh, and hot coffee to keep me warm. I feel better.

But please, someone, make it stop raining.


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