Wednesday, February 16, 2005

what's with the teeth falling out?

Last year when I was frantically writing and revising and revising and revising that g.d. dissertation, I had many a stress dream, the most obvious one being when all my teeth fell out. One by one. Spitting them out like watermelon seeds. The stress then was obvious.

Last night, I had a dream that all of my bottom teeth fell out and there was a hole in my gum from which all kinds of blood was spewing forth. Couldn't stop the blood, but had to go on teaching with chalk and body language. I honestly am not sure what this stress is about. It can't be about teaching because I love my two classes. It could be about publication, I suppose, since I haven't figured out what I'm working on next. But that's not stress so much as it is this thing called taking a break. Not too familiar with that concept, this girl.

Wherefore art thou, oh falling teeth?


At 8:52 AM, Blogger Jonathan Benda said...

I have this dream about my teeth falling out from time to time. It usually goes away when I get back in the habit of taking vitamin C... :)

At 12:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've had the teeth-falling-out dream, too. Years ago, after a particularly disturbing dream of that genre, someone told me that teeth in dreams often represent family roots. Not sure if that fits with your dreams or not. I can only figure out the most tangental connections between my family roots and my teeth-falling-out dreams. Liz


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