I'm writing a book
See, that right there is what we'd call a performative speech act. The entire time I was writing my dissertation, my Treasured Director (now known as Treasured Life Director) would say things like, "write this down for your book," or "when you write the book, you can go into more depth about this." When I write the book. As if!
Not quite a year later, I'm ready to say out loud that I'm writing a book. Saying it makes it so. Saying it makes me scared, but it also makes me get stuff done. Like looking at prospecti and talking to people I'm gonna need to interview and making lists of things to do. Ah, lists.
Tentative title: Student Authorship in Composition: The Production and Politics of Belief
Bourdieu of course figures prominently--he's responsible for my obsession with the production of belief. No, that's not true. There are many many reasons I'm obsessed with the production of belief--reasons for which I have a therapist. Bourdieu helps me talk about belief intelligently. And for that I love him.
If we could boil my whole life, every single interest I've ever had--academic and otherwise, but especially academic--down to a single word, it would, indeed, be belief.
Hear that? Listen—can you hear it? That's right; it's the sound of your TD, applauding. You can hear it all the way from Earlville to Normal.
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