Sunday, October 09, 2005

32: the year Amy grew up

In honor of the last couple weeks of being 32, I offer these remarks from the year in review, none of which will be the least bit surprising to my three regular readers (well, maybe number 8):

1. I think I can safely say that I've done a respectable job of keeping 2005's resolution to appreciate what I have and to quit worrying about what I don't. I said "respectable," not perfect.

2. One of those things I have is a healthy dog who makes me laugh every day and, now that it's getting colder at night, wants to snuggle her momma more.

3. Another of those things is an excellent job that keeps my brain working on things I want to be working on. I have wonderful colleagues--and it's hard to believe that just over a year ago I barely knew them. Now I wonder how I got along without them.

4. I love teaching graduate students.

5. I'm taking responsibility for a lot of things that, for a long time, I had been persuaded I didn't even deserve: happiness, love, a social life, etc.

6. This is beginning to sound like I'm going through the 12 steps.

7. When I look back on this year, I think I'll refer to it as the year I grew up a whole lot. I'm not completely a grown-up, mind you, but I took some pretty large leaps.

8. Yesterday the only liquids I consumed were coffee and beer. Oh, and a diet Pepsi (ick). This is why I slept until 9:30 today.

9. Chickens still make me laugh.

10. This year I met Christian Troy on Nip/Tuck and we're getting married. I'm also getting married to David Sedaris, Vince D'Onofrio, Mark Ruffalo, Jon Stewart, Larry Lessig, David Gray, and I know there are a couple others, but I can't remember. Schmoozin, some help?


At 3:58 AM, Blogger senioritis said...

I'm staying married to the current model, but two nights ago I not only dreamed that I overslept my presentation at the Public Memory conference, but also that I was having an affair with Viggo Mortensen. (Hey, I dream BIG!) So the watchword around our house ever since has been, "What would Viggo do?"


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