Saturday, July 29, 2006

I miss my blog

I'm in Syracuse at Schmoozin's and I'm trying to catch up on reading some of my regular blogs and I'm sad because I really miss my blog. Like I've not talked to a good friend in a few days.

One quickie: it takes leaving to really really appreciate the unbelievable landscape of New England: the lush lush green everywhere and the valleys and hills and mountains--they've been taking my breath away this time around. You can put me in the middle of the corn fields, but you can't take away my desire for random farmside corn stands in the middle of my New England landscape. And apple orchards. And state roads that wind and wind and climb and fall and make me sick if I'm in the back seat.

Good to be back east.


At 10:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

After my google search titled "sick of blogs" YOU CAME UP FIRST...YAHOO!
I can't believe that (semi)smart people have nothing better to do all day. You MUST be doing it on company time! Good for you!

At 9:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, after that comment, let's try it again: You miss your blog?

Not only are a lot of the names English, but a lot of the countryside is too. I have found nooks and crannies that must look the same as things were 200 years ago. Breathtaking. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. Save up enough memories for a rainy day.

News from the Shoe

At 6:01 AM, Blogger susansinclair said...

But we miss you more! Thanks for visiting...


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