Thursday, July 13, 2006

PMS: it's good for you

One week every month, I get to be superwoman. Holy productivity, batman.

And I'm always so proud of myself and I always think, if I keep this up, I'll have all of these books read by the weekend. Five days later, I'm thinking about a nap. Or doing the dishes. Or the laundry. Or walking the dog. Anything but work.

But today, today's been a good one for reading. I've been working on Richard Lanham's Economics of Attention and loving it, seeing all kinds of connections to other ideas I've been having of late, and, while I probably won't get around to writing that damn NEH grant proposal (there's always next summer...), I feel like I'm able to trust myself that something juicy shall come of all this reading.

Now really, how many people can describe their work as "juicy"?


At 5:10 PM, Blogger susansinclair said...

Seriously juicy.


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