Saturday, August 05, 2006

mother of all teaching nightmares

Let them begin, my friends.

I woke this morning exhausted from battling the beast known as Teaching Anxiety.

Last night's dream had me teaching a graduate course completely unprepared. In the class were students who'd just finished their dissertations along with--jesus h--professors from Syracuse there to check up on me.

Get a grip, Amy.

Two weeks left of freedom. Except it's not really freedom when you're COMPLETELY UNPREPARED for classes. A couple weeks ago a student from my grad course (who's taken other grad courses with me) emailed to ask which book we'd be reading first. I wrote back: Excellent question. When I know, I'll let you know. He wrote back: Well, at least I started the semester with an excellent question.

Excellent question, indeed. Egads.


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