when bad things happen to good people
But a cliche for a reason. Two bad things are currently happening to two very good people in my life, and it makes me very sad because I'm virtually helpless to do anything about either one. Why can't bad things happen to bad people? Or maybe they do happen to bad people but we never hear about it because they don't have friends blogging about it. Cuz you know, don't you, that people can be separated into two fairly distinct categories: Good and Bad. Never mind the ugly.
The one thing I can do in all this is to be a good friend, which I think I can do. And I'll also be grateful that I have these friends and that I have such a good life. My job, my friends, my boyfriend, my dog, my health, all of these are good. I am lucky. And I am loved. And I'm grateful.
And I want to eat fried cheese every day for the rest of my life. And pie. Apple pie. Pumkin pie. And banana cream.
I'm gonna go snuggle my girl.
Ye Gods, your diet is terrible! Pie is okay if you modify the crust, but cheese is the way to heart disease and cancer. Buy the Uncheese Cookbook by Joanne Stepaniak. Unless you tell, no one will know the difference!
Sorry about your friends--it happens. Unfortunately, it is rarely possible to remain friends with both if they happen to be the hitched variety.
I will not brook aspersions cast upon cheese! Okay, *fried* cheese, now that's a problem...but a nice tart apple with a slice of sharp cheddar.
I can't imagine what my life would be without cheese. Ugh.
I've used the Uncheese Cookbook. Believe me, there is no mistaking Nutritional Yeast cheese for real cheese. Anonymous -- Be gone with your vegan lies!
Peace. Your hearts and arteries, your blood pressure readings, your joints, your bones, and your gallbladders will all get the last laugh. Can 1.2 billion Chinese all be wrong? Methinks that when someone says they cannot imagine their life without . . . a drink, a cigarette, whatever, they may have a problem which has nothing to do with the actual substance. Do a little research into your own health, read the books and the "lies" of the other side. Use the analytical skills you possess, decipher the rhetoric, and set aside emotionalism. . . Aren't you worth it? Aren't you more important than buying into everything the press and the media and the professions which have a vested interest in your giving them cash for the products of their biased beliefs? I know, I know. Some people still believe the sun goes round the earth--and what difference do facts make anyway. Something Fishy here ;)
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