Wednesday, October 01, 2008


Start time of Game one of postseason Cubbies: 5:30

Start time of my doctoral seminar in rhetoric and composition: 5:30

Guest speaker of said seminar: Julie Wonka Jung

Start time of Game two of postseason Cubbies: 8:30

Start time of Biden/Palin debate: 8:00


At 10:30 AM, Blogger susansinclair said...

Cubbies game or VP there's even a choice to be made there! (This from the woman who canNOT stand watching political stuff on TV...get too mad...)

At 11:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, you know they do have tapes whereby you can record things and play them back at your leisure! There is also cable TV with dedicated "on demand" channels, especially for sports events. And there is something called TiVo. And failing all else there are friends and next-door neighbors who have all or some of the above and will be glad to do you a favor and tape your favorite shows for you!


At 1:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry your team lost.



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