Friday, March 25, 2005

a beautiful sight

Good lord. I'm at Denny's this morning with Julia, having a very yummy breakfast--it was her idea, and I'm so glad I went along. Now, I have a cold and yesterday was probably the worst day of it. Lots of runny nose, sniffling, and crustiness going on. No coughing or headaches to speak of, so I'm lucky. I just look like Rudolph with this honkin' red nose.

Well, there I am at breakfast with my piles of tissues, both used and unused, and I'm blabbing away about something or other and I just happen to swipe my finger right above my lip and it's all wet.

Me: Um, when were you gonna tell me I have snot running down my nose?

Julia: Well, I was just about to. I figured it'd hit your lip any second.

When a nose is running completely unbenownst to its owner, it's time to go back to bed.


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