Friday, March 04, 2005

no goin' back now

I made a big step toward making my residence in Illinois official: I got my Illinois driver's license. I had to take written (aka computer-generated) exam, and I only got an 85%. I had much more faith in myself as a driver than that.

I've never been licensed anywhere but Massachusetts, so this is a big step.

When I was fifteen years old and had just finished downing nine--NINE--shots of Southern Comfort in my garage--with who else but Hillary--I promptly puked it up, along with all the Doritos I'd eaten to help the liquor down. My first question: "does this mean I won't get drunk?"

Does this mean I'm not a New Englander?

Well...I've still got the Massachusetts plates on my car (cuz, folks, that costs $143 to transfer, and the license was $10. you do the math)....


At 1:47 PM, Blogger susansinclair said...

Scotch and raspberry soda. Then, attempting to go to work the next day--at the zoo. Yes, the zoo, where I worked the concession stands. I have a particularly clear memory of emptying and relining trash cans.


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