Saturday, May 07, 2005

dissertation leftovers

Perhaps the most important long-term lesson I learned from writing the dissertation is that, to get any writing of any significance done, I have to write every day. This semester, I've been reading every day, and while that's good, I've constantly felt a vague free-floating anxiety about not writing.

During the last few months of the dissertation marathon, Paul-o and I went to Borders every single day from 9-12 and wrote. We gave each other shit if the other was late. We were accountable for being there, if only because Paul didn't want to hear me reprimand him and vice versa. It worked. We both finished. Okay, so we finished with not a minute to spare, but we both finished.

So. The minute I get back from Massachusetts, I'm starting up my new routine. Every day, 9-12, Latte Time. No excuses. Julie will probably join me some days, but I probably won't have the buddy system working for me as well this time. No matter. Write or die.

The problem with summer: it always seems longer than it is. A vast wasteland of free time. Goal: first day of fall semester, I want to be able to say that I got a lot of writing done. And mean it.


At 8:36 AM, Blogger susansinclair said...

How about a long-distance buddy who's under the gun? We can check in every day on our progress...

At 7:29 PM, Blogger aerobil said...

that could work. Except who's gonna give me shit for not being at teh coffeehouse at 9?

At 7:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As the one who was usually late, I must say that it worked well. Sometimes, I was late just to be able to laugh at Amy shaking her finger at me. It was nice to start the day with a laugh and a latte (I said that for the alliteration; it was usually Borders house blend).

I think I'll try the 9-noon routine again, too. It worked for us then, and I hope it will work again. For me, it will start after teaching my first ever pre-session course (just 11 days). The first year . . . the year that never ends!


At 6:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am inspired by the story and the idea. I don't have a writing buddy, per se, but I can definitely see that value in committing time to writing as a "real" appointment to value and keep.


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