I love dogs AND John Cusack
Okay, so Must Love Dogs is a bit on the formulaic side, but it's an enjoyable formula nonetheless. The entire premise of the movie is a tad disturbing--that Diane Lane's character must ceaselessly search for a mate in order to be complete--but again, her mate ends up being the delectably charming John Cusack and, well, I just wanted to reach up to the screen and hug him and kiss him and go to the dog park with him. The couple meets at a dog park: it could happen here in Bloomington, IL, it could it could. This was one of those enjoyable formulaic romantic comedies whose entertainment value is in direct proportion to your ability to refrain from any kind of cultural analysis.
I have to put a nod out here to my dear friend Alyson, whose obsession with John Cusack, has, I think, run its course, but obsessions die hard, indeed. He's so goddamn charming. You gotta go see it if you haven't already.
And the DOG! At the very end of the movie, they show the two dogs who played Mother Teresa along with the copy, "No animals were harmed in the making of this movie. In fact, we were petted within an inch of our lives." Love.
One of the previews was for March of the Penguins and I don't think it'd be a good idea for any of my friends to go see that movie with me because I'm not going to shut up the entire time. I didn't stop oohing and ahhing and laughing during the PREVIEW. I'm gonna leave that movie wanting to adopt a penguin. My little man in a tux.
I can definitely see you with a Penguin Pet. Not sure what La Belle would think about it, though.
John Cusack is a brilliant actor, and he ain't hard on the eyes, either.
Oh, Belly would be thrilled to have a penguin for a little brother. Something to endlessly chase and, when she gets him, to stick in the freezer on these very hot days. That, I think, would give her some kind of deep satisfaction. ha!
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