Thursday, September 29, 2005


Ever notice that Thursdays come every single week? Today is what has come to be known in my life as Marathon Teaching Day. At 2:00 I start with first-year students, and today we're discussing Ward Churchill's "Some People Push Back" essay. On Tuesday students asked me if we were finally done with Oprah. Yup, we are. Today I'm thinking they're gonna want to go back to the comforts of Oprah. At 3:35, I go to my junior/senior rhetoric class, where we'll be discussing a chapter from Collateral Language and they'll be turning in their papers on the rhetoric of media representations of Katrina. Then, at 5:30, it's the grad course in social class. Today's agenda: Richard Sennett's Corrosion of Character and Basil Bernstein on class codes.

A day in the life.

And I'm writing when?

Guilt. Guilt. Guilt.

I thought I was a superwoman. Now I'm beginning to wonder if I'm even a woman who can get by. Glug glug glug, Becky.


At 5:53 PM, Blogger senioritis said...

Well, maybe both of us should learn to dogpaddle.


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