brain going crazy, brain on overload
Day 1 of the conference is officially complete and my brain is suffering from pinball disease: all these different lights are going off in different directions and I can't keep track of the ball. It is sooo wonderful to be at a conference where everybody is talking about things I really really care about, but as Becky said tonight at dinner, I kinda wish I could just replay this day for a while before going to tomorrow's sessions and taking in more ideas.
Quickie notes:
I still love Larry Lessig. Very much. His talk was wonderful and we're getting married.
Mario Biagioli suggests that published journal articles should contain the names of the reviewers so that there's a paper trail in case the reviewers try to get "too creative."
Daniel Okrent, formerly of the NYT, suggests that a worse crime than plagiarism is making something up because at least if it's plagiarism, it might be true. Reminds me of Frankfurt's distinction between lying and bullshit: at least bullshit has some relation to the truth in that it is its opposite. Bullshit bears no relation to the truth but is more concerned with getting away with something.
Another function of citation I failed to mention in my paper's list: to remind readers of information/knowledge that they presumably already know.
Michele Eodice and Kami Day offer the gift culture model as a new way of understanding the functions of citation and acknowledgement: gifts establish a feeling bond whereas commodification leaves nothing (by the way, our panel kicked a little bit of ass, if I do say so myself).
Lessig: let go of the seriousness and the reverence with which we approach the law and learn to laugh at lawyers, at the absurdity with which they protect the ridiculous complexity of copyright.
There's more, but those are the gems for now. Becky and I are having a blast as roomies.
you make me feel stupid
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