Monday, October 10, 2005

in which she begins to get a little bit of work done

I took Friday almost completely off. Regular readers can guess that, since the only liquids I consumed on Saturday were beer and coffee, I took Saturday off altogether. Spent the day in Champaign with a friend: lunch, a tour of the U of I campus, couple beers on the back porch, walked Indy dog, and then dinner at a great little Mexican place. No thinking involved whatsoever. So on Sunday, I was up and ready to work. Did some grading, wrote the rhetoric mid-term, read parts of Silences, and took a nice long walk with Belly, Julia, and Callie Wags. And this morning I went to Panera to read a book that I've agreed to review for Composition Studies. Just getting that 2 1/2 hours of "my own work" done this morning makes me feel SOOOOO much better.

The moral of the story: must take time off in order to be productive. Must take time off.


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