Wednesday, November 30, 2005


I have just this to say, to protect the innocent: Being an adult sometimes really really sucks. All I want to do is throw a little tantrum and make someone fix it all for me. I don't want it, he doesn't want it, yet it's the best thing to do but it feels so bad. The child in me wants to reason that if we both agree, then how can it be wrong? I go for five minutes being an adult and then I revert back to being a child and wanting someone to find a solution. Except you can't really find a solution when there's not a fixable problem.

Life was simpler once, yes?


At 2:42 PM, Blogger susansinclair said...


But you're welcome to labor under that illusion, if it makes you feel better.

And I almost threw a tantrum at the library today, when it was suggested at the circ desk that it was my responsibility to call the cataloging department to try to track down a book that was not on its shelf. Having checked the shelves twice, a week apart, I feel I've done my part.

This from the same folks who can't get my record straight. Grrrrrr

At 3:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes & no? i suppose it was simpler to have less reasoning plugged in & just to go ahead & *do* the things your adult-self has gotten good at thinking-better-than, but since a lot of that thinking-better-than comes from being able to anticipate consequences, leaping into things you didn't do much thinking about & then having to *deal* with those consequences most likely wouldn't simpler at all.

that probably doesn't help much. at least when it's me; i tend to prefer (or at least idealize the thought-process involved in) messy consequence to wondering. but i do *know* that's not always the best idea, & also not everybody agrees & messy consequences are rarely contained enough to only impact me, so... yeah. practicing adulthood sucks sometimes.

At 5:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I'm with ya on this one. Or even better 'bout being a cat? That would be nice..lounge, sleep, lounge ,eat.


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