Saturday, December 03, 2005

more on drinking at the dog park

Some of my friends know that I tend to repeat myself.
Some of my friends know that I sometimes tend to repeat myself. SOMETIMES.
It's a Robillard thing or a youngest child thing or both. One might infer that I don't often feel heard. I especially tend to repeat myself when I don't get a response from the other person. This is part of the reason I love blog comments. I send my funnies out into the world and then people write in to let me know they've heard my funnies. And then I have psychic dreams.

Anyway, yesterday afternoon we drank wine at the dog park. 'Tis a very good way to keep warm when it's bitter cold out there, except sometimes holding the plastic cups with mittened hands can be a bit challenging. I started this beveraging at about 3:30. I got home at about 5, poured myself another glass of wine, and got the house ready for game night. Eight of my dearest friends came over. I kept drinking wine. We played games. I told my friends about splurging that day on Balderdash. I cried a wee bit when I saw that my NUT dish that I painted at Christy's a few weeks ago didn't come out as beautifully as it should have. We ordered pizza. I told people about drinking at the dog park and that I was feeling a wee bit tipsy. I told my friends that I went to KMart that day and splurged on Balderdash, not knowing that Bill and Cherlyn would be bringing it over. I whined about my NUT dish but fawned over my Christmas tree candy dish. I told everyone that the current design of the Christmas tree candy dish was the third revision. I noted more than once that Annabelle was being SUCH a good girl.

Julia: Amy, what time did you begin drinking again?
Me: 3:30, so please be nice to me.

Today, I have just this to say: Jesus, I'm tired. I am tired, Jesus. T-I-R-E-D


At 11:16 PM, Blogger Michael Lasley said...

You simply can't post too often about drinking at the dog park. Harumph! Mikey


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