Wednesday, August 23, 2006

in this town there's a creature named Sprout

And I thought I was being so damn clever.

I'm still planning on naming my next dog Sprout. Full name Sprouticus. It'll be a number of years--hopefully at least 9--until I get another dog, but I'm saving that name in my back pocket. Sprouticus Maximus. And then we can call him Glutey for short.

I learned the other night that one of my colleagues on the softball team has a bird--not a parrot, but a parrot-like specimen (can't say I know much about birds)--named Sprout. Oh. My. God. The bird apparently came with that name, so they're not taking credit--or responsibility--for it, but it's so damn cute. Now, there's a creature who would benefit from my little poem,

My name is Sprout.
I want to come out.

In other news, classes are off to a very good start. I can't imagine not teaching graduate students. Last night the comp seminar met for the first time, and we had what I thought was a meaningful discussion about writing and publishing and professionalization.

I have no clever way to end this post. Except to say, one more time, Sprout!


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