Tuesday, January 16, 2007

in which she reflects on being old

For some reason it occurred to me yesterday that I graduated from high school 17 years ago. Which means that I'm exactly twice the age I was when I graduated. Which means I've been out of public school as long as I was in it.

Which means I'm farting dust.


At 7:08 AM, Blogger susansinclair said...

And if you're farting dust, what's coming out of my ass?!

At 12:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look at this way: You spent the first 6 years trying to find your mouth, control your bladder and bowels, learn a language from scrach, and march off to school.

The next 6 years were spent learning the rudiments of readin', 'ritin', and 'rithmetic.

The last 5 were spent trying to come to grips with hormones and getting through high school.

Now you've graduated college with no less than a PhD, and have a couple of jobs under your belt and a boyfriend.

Wait until you double this birthday. If you take care of your health and your diet and your exercise, then you will be just as active, healthy, and alert and interested/interesting at 68 as you are at 34. Given a little forethought, you will be looking toward a healthy, active retirement with enough money to do some traveling. My mother added another 17 to that and was still healthy, wealthy, and wise before she packed it in.

Right now you're 17 squared, wait until you raise it to the power of five!



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