Tuesday, July 12, 2005

rain, lifetime, and Carter's little pills

Who'da thunk I'd be welcoming a rainy day? But oh, it's such a nice change. Variety, variety, people. We've had sun for, what, fifty days straight? It's nice to be able to wear pants and a little bit of makeup without fear that it will drip down my face from the heat. And lord knows the crops around here need this rain.

Last night I watched Lifetime's Murder in the Hamptons. I am such a sucker for movies like this, even though I know exactly how they're going to turn out because they're so formulaic. Last fall in my rhetoric class I made the mistake of mentioning my gullibility with respect to Lifetime movies and oh, did they have a good time making fun of me. So much so that when the class was over one student gave me a "signed" portrait of Jimmy Carter (that's another story, but I'll make it brief: we were studying campaign slogans from past presidential campaigns and I, the teacher, said, "What about the one about 'he's got more problems than Carter's got pills'?"* There were students in that class older than me; otherwise I probably would've been passing on this "knowledge" to the younger students in the class. Lord above)... Anyway, the signed Jimmy Carter portrait came complete with a box of Carter's little liver pills and it said, "To Amy, Here's to a 'Lifetime' of learning." I keep it in my office for all to see.

*Yeah, cuz that's a great campaign slogan. I heard my mother say it all the time when I was growing up. Here I thought Jimmy Carter had lots of medical issues and so needed lots of pills. This from the girl who also thought that Jimmy Carter was married to Linda Carter because, well, they have the same last name. Hi, I have a PhD.


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