Sunday, January 01, 2006

goodies, goodies, and more goodies

Cherlyn getting busy Originally uploaded by aerobil.

Had SUCH a blast last night--and this morning--at Chris and Christy's New Year's Eve par-tay. In the wee hours of the morning Chris broke out his trumpet and we all took our turns working the instrument. Here's Cherlyn having a good time with it. Click on the photo for more.

We started the game portion of the evening with the Family Feud. Cherlyn is the QUEEN of the Family Feud. For every single question, she got the number 1 answer. As she was part of my family, we won $20,000 to be split evenly among all of us.

When it was my turn to go up for the face-off, the question was: Name a form of punishment for children. Keeping in mind that this was written sometime in the 70s, understand that my first response got a big ol' strike: Time out. Nope, the number one answer according to Richard Dawson (Robbie Doodle) was spanking. So the other team got control. The answers were things like, get sent to room, sit in the corner (what is that if not time out?), get sent to bed with no supper, and no television. When it was our family's turn to steal, we conferred, as all good families do. We decided to go with "no dessert." I turned to Richard/Robbie and said, "Richard, we're gonna go with 'no dessert.'" Richard paused for a moment. "Nope. I'm sorry. That is not correct."

When we asked what the real answer was, Richard/Robbie read it: "no goodies." The room erupted in laughter, disbelief, and a few small cries. Even the other team thought we should've gotten that. Then you hear Chris say, "Depends how we're defining 'goodies,' I guess."

Ah yes, indeed it does depend on how we define "goodies."


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