Friday, January 20, 2006

holy clean house batman

Mother of god did I clean today. The dog park peeps are coming over tonight to play games and lose their dimes to me in Skit Skat. There'll be pizza, there'll be beer, and I should be a couple bucks richer by the end of the night.

I cleaned for almost four straight hours. Did five loads of laundry. Replaced shower curtain liners. Even dusted the floorboards. Cleaned under the stove's burners to get all that grit. Vacuumed. Cleaned behind the toilet bowl. Dusted dusted dusted. Decided that since she is the source of so much dirt, I'd just vacuum up the Belly girl. She didn't like that idea so much.

Amy tired. But I can't take a nap because I made the bed. Not that that's stopping the stinkbomb over there.


At 1:22 PM, Blogger susansinclair said...

Might just be worth flying you out here to clean the condo...


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