the curse of the recurring dream
Yup, dreams again folks, but this one's not nearly as wacko or as funny as what's come to be affectionately known as the dead-squirrel bouquet dream.
Most of my devoted readers know that I worked at a business writing training company full-time for a couple years after college and then part-time while I was getting my M.A. at UMass Boston. The place was a nightmare in so many ways. Not the least of which was that it was all women for a long time. No men anywhere to step into the bickering and the passive aggression and the emotional warfare (I know that sounds incredibly sexist and essentializing, but this is how I remember it). I made some great friends there, though, and for that I'm grateful.
In any case, the recurring dream has been happening almost every night for weeks. I'm there for my last day of work and I realize that I haven't been paid since June. It's always since June. WTF? It's easy enough to deduce that I was probably not feeling valued while working there--braniac at work here, watch out--but what's up with the month of June? In different versions of the dream, I'm talking with the payroll person, I'm talking with the boss, I'm talking with my friends about why the fuck I'm not getting paid and nobody ever has an answer for me. Frustrating, I tell you.
So my new plan is to tell my three readers in hopes that this will make the cursed dream go away. Help?
This reader is of no use whatsoever. I know how to get songs out of your head. But dreams? Stumped.
Hold your breath and swallow three times...oh, wait..that's hiccups
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