Thursday, February 16, 2006


Whooh boy, have I been a cranky thing the last coupla days. Hence no blogging. Or because of no blogging?

In any case, Clara has scheduled her coming out party for next Wednesday the 22nd. There'll be shots and drugs and stitches, oh my!

Here's a funny from my lunch yesterday with my good colleague Katherine:

Me, moaning about how tired I am: I gotta stop saying yes to everything.

K: What else have you said yes to besides ______?

Me, stumped: Well....I don't know but I still have to stop saying yes to everything.

When you're suffering from crankitude, even one small thing can seem like everything. That's my defense.

I've been having milkshakes from Steak n Shake just a few too many times in the past week. A bit addicted, I think I am.

I feel like I could sleep for a full 24 hours. Without even getting up to pee.



At 12:03 PM, Blogger susansinclair said...

Does this mean you require de-crankification?

At 12:14 PM, Blogger aerobil said...

Indeed. In the form of, um, a milkshake.


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