Sunday, February 19, 2006

they say it's all about luck

Match Point. I'm not persuaded.

Sure, luck plays a huge role, especially at the end. But it's about more than that. It's about the tragedy of getting what you wish for. It's about seeing things for what they really are. It's about vulnerability and desire and knowing that what you have is enough for a good life but wanting more anyway. Knowing full well that what you're about to do is going to ruin everything. But you do it anyway.

Here's my thing about that: it's about curiosity and the inability to live your life wondering what if. I mean, switch things around. Imagine that Chris Wilton doesn't give in to his desire for Nola Rice. What's worse: living your life wondering or living your life with the consequences?

I loved this movie. I loved it because it was so tragic and depressing and I wanted to just be in it for a few hours more. Afterwards, I just wanted to sit and stare at a wall and hold onto that feeling. Far more than Brokeback, this movie is one that's going to stick with me. Maybe the big difference is that I wasn't left with the sentimental so much as I was left with a slap in the face. And life has to go on, but in a way that is just so damn depressing. The beginnings of the dysfunctional family.


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