Annabelle lite; Annabelle heavy
First, Annabelle lite:
She did just okay with the sedation on Saturday. This because when we thought she was all the way out, we moved her foot and she went to bite first me and then the vet's assistant. She pierced the assistant. I pulled my hand away in time. Tears came to my eyes at that moment, not for Belly's fear, but for myself. WHY does a nail trim have to be so goddamn complicated?
We went over to Nan's house that night--I didn't want to leave her alone as she was still kinda groggy. Everyone was asking how Belly was doing, and I said, well, she's 1/2 Belly. And then Sarah put it best when she said, "It's Belly lite."
And yet. Here's the Annabelle heavy part:
She's gained 7 pounds in the 4 months since she last had her toenails cut. She went from 75 to 82. Oooooh boy, do I feel like a bad doggie owner. We're cutting back seriously on the treats. I know it's the treats because she doesn't CARE about her actual food. Guilt guilt guilt guilt guilt.
Did I tell you Maddie had rapidly lost some weight, and we hadn't realized it? Fortunately (?), she requires such frequent veterinaryish attention that it was caught. And her thyroid med has been adjusted. We can always tell when she's feeling peckish, since she starts poking about in wastebaskets.
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