Monday, June 26, 2006

boss blog

Okay, so sometimes I can be kinda bossy. This fine characteristic of mine has been driven home to me a number of times in the last few weeks, so I'm working on reforming my ways.

Before: Close the window shade.
After: Could you please close the window shade? Thank you.

Before: Here, cut the bread.
After: Would you mind cutting the bread? Here's a knife. Thank you. (see, I even give out weapons now)

Before: Nan, I'll see you at the park tomorrow.
After: Nan, would you like to join Belly and me for a trip to the park tomorrow? Thank you.

Before: Sit.
After: Annabelle, please sit. Thank you kindly.

Where before I was slightly annoying with my bossy ways, now I'm gonna drive all my friends to nausea with my pleases and thank yous.

Thank you for reading my blog. Please visit again.


At 2:31 PM, Blogger susansinclair said...

The good news: your friends already re-interpret your commands as requests. Even gooder news: growth is good. Change is good. Following the path of the Buddha is good.

Oops...that's from my bedtime reading...

At 8:03 PM, Blogger senioritis said...

You do realize that people like me are now making book on how long you can go without saying something bossy, right?

At 6:51 AM, Blogger aerobil said...

OF COURSE. I'll probably go all of two days.


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