Saturday, September 02, 2006

I used to be such a good blogger

Remember when? Remember the days when I blogged about the big things and the little things and all the things in between?

It's all S.'s fault. Blame it on him.

I'm getting over the "problem" of S. treating me too well. I'm beginning to like it and appreciate it and perhaps even be okay with it. There will probably be regressions, during which time I turn into a bitch as a way of pushing him away, but he knows about that and will be on the lookout for it and will call me out on it.

I'm with him not because my mother has drilled into my head that a woman is worth nothing without a man. I'm with him not because of all that bitching I used to do about being alone and dying alone and the woe-is-me crap that has taken up way too much space on this blog. I'm with him not because he snuck into my house this morning while I was at the dog park and left me a dozen red roses on the kitchen table (which he did). I'm with him because he is a kind and generous and compassionate soul. I'm with him because the night we met it felt like I'd known him for years. We fit.

Plus, he loves to shop.

Had to lighten the mood there, didn't I?

Cheers to me and my blog neglect.


At 10:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to give a response to the wonderful things Amy has said about "S", which is me. I will take responsibility for her being so busy that she has not been able to blog as much as she used to, because we have been spending a lot of time together lately. She's an unbelievable woman and I feel very lucky to have met her. I treat her well because that's what she deserves. I agree with her saying that we fit. Even though our relationship is still very new and exciting, it seems like we've known each other forever. I think that's because we have so much in common, and have a lot of the same kind of pain in our past. I'm really looking forward to every day with her.
Please don't anyone think that all the things Amy says about me are one-sided; she treats me just as well as I treat her (although she would probably argue with that).

At 1:17 PM, Blogger susansinclair said...

You are hereby accepted into the official network known as "F.O.A."

That said, I can be on a plane in a flash. I can wreak vengeance. As she and I often say to each other, "You need me to beat up __________? 'Cause I will."

At 1:27 PM, Blogger aerobil said...

I don't think you're ever gonna need to beat this one up, Schmoozin. But thanks for looking out for me.

At 6:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A woman who makes it as far as you have is worthy of only the best of men, which one who "sneaks" into your house when you own a dog to leave you roses is much likely to qualify.

I have been married and been alone and been unmarried but with someone, and no one ever snuck any kind of gift into my life (though I did some of that to others) and I will in all probability die alone, but I've learned to be okay with that.

But meanwhile... " and I knew it. I knew it the moment I touched her. I was taking her hand to help her out of a car and I knew... it was like... magic"

my favorite movie, my favorite dream... live it up, girl.

And to "S" - don't apologize. Caring at that level for our girl doesn't require apology.

At 8:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

New (good) relationships are the best and the worst. Ahh, the high of being in love, of feeling sexy, of being attracted to someone great. But the anxiety -- the fear -- of "this-person-must-be-a-serial-killer (or why else would s/he be with me. . . )thoughts -- well, those can wear ya out.

Enjoy the endorphins :)

At 7:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To susansinclair:
I love it that you care about Amy so much. You don't need to worry about me hurting her. I've always tended to be the "hurtee", not the "hurter", so I tend to have the same fear of being hurt when I am in a new relationship. Although for the first time, I don't feel that way.

To cageyer:
What movie is that from? I love that quote! And the caring with Amy and I does go both ways. It's just that since she doesn't blog about the nice things she does for me, she doesn't get credit for them.

To heather s.:
I don't know if this will help alleviate fears of whether I am a serial killer or not, but I used to work as a counselor with kids and their families for almost 10 years. The caring and compassion that I have comes from having parents who cared about the people they loved more than anything in the world.

At 11:00 AM, Blogger 2blackdogz said...

Hiya, S. Now that the aerobil-worthiness questions are covered, how are your dogs doing with Belly?

At 11:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happiness is knowing you can tell the other person absolutely anything without it killing them, because they care enough about you to understand. They know your strengths and your foilbles, and they care about you regardless of how you feel about yourself at that moment. Enjoy a wonderful autumn.



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