Tuesday, March 13, 2007

D-U-N dun

Day two of spring break, and oh how I love to cross things off my list. I'm at school right now drafting the Sites chapter, so that one can't be crossed off, but here's what D-U-N dun:

1. Cobbled-together C's paper. Ain't nearly as good as the full-length version, but you'll just have to wait a few months for that.
2. Manuscript review for journal.
3. One of two sets of papers graded.

Today's high: 72, which means I'm only staying here until about lunchtime. Go home, have lunch, walk the girl, sit outside and breathe in the fresh air all afternoon. Deee-licious.

And the good thing about this chapter I'm drafting is that I finally get to put to use the material from a fantastic first-year course I taught two years ago on the politics of writing.

Good stuff.



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