Monday, September 17, 2007

I'm gonna miss most of tonight's game

Teaching is now officially interfering with my addiction. Tonight's Cubbies game is at 7, and I teach until 8:20.

But seriously, folks. I love that baseball is on EVERY. DAY. It's like I've found this fantastic new prime time show and it's on every night. I don't have to wait until next week for the drama to continue. These last few games have been stomach-turning drama.

I always used to wonder how people could sit inside and watch sports on a perfectly gorgeous summer or, especially, fall day. Now I get it. S. and I had to do some shopping on Saturday afternoon and we wished that we had a little mini tv to carry around with us. As it was, we got into the car, turned the AM station on and got very very mad when they went--no lie--two or three minutes without telling us the SCORE. S. says, "This is just bad radio."

But we won. And then we lost. And then we won again.

And tonight, stay tuned for more drama.

I love this stuff.



At 9:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember honey, as much as I love our "Cubbies" as well, they will break your heart eventually.



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