Thursday, December 06, 2007

Dear Santa,

All I want for Christmas are some warm socks.

Why can't I find warm socks in the stores? I went to two stores yesterday with the sole purpose (heh) of buying myself some warm socks--in black and in brown because all of the ones I currently own are thin, thin, thin, and don't keep my toesies warm.

I bought some black ones at Penney's, but this morning when I put them on, I realized they're not much better than the ones I was replacing. Macy's had a very pathetic selection. I could either get Christmas-themed socks or--and I'm not kidding here--cashmere blend socks. SOCKS! For $12 a pair. Uh, no thanks.

It's 10 degrees here this morning. We'll have a whopping high of 31, and my toes are chillers.

Also, Santa, today's the last day of class. And I'm sad about that. So bring me something to cheer me up.


At 5:07 PM, Blogger susansinclair said...

One word, baby: Smartwool. There fab. I splurged on a pair in Seattle, and loved 'em, and then discovered lots at the LLBean outlet. What size are your feet, by the by? 'Cuz maybe you don't have to wait for Santa...

At 5:25 PM, Blogger aerobil said...

My feeties are size 9. Large-ola.

At 6:49 AM, Blogger susansinclair said...

Ummm...I would say Perfect-Ola. Or, actually, a half-size bigger than Perfect-Ola, since I wear an 8 1/2 these days...did you know you can lose weight in your feet? Weird.

At 8:04 AM, Blogger aerobil said...

Must be nice to have an L.L. Bean outlet nearby. Harumph.


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