Thursday, July 10, 2008

Nessie lives

This is from last week's swim and I just love how Belly looks like the Loch Ness monster rising from the depths. Last night we took them swim-swim-swimmin' again, and Belly actually wanted to chase the ball in the water. We'd brought the ball for Wrigley because on land, Belly couldn't care less about the damn ball. That's child's play, she says. But in the water, suddenly it's something to chase.

Their swimming last night made my heart hurt, they were so damn cute. Two little black heads, swimmin' side by side, workin', workin' so hard to get to the ball. When Wrigley'd bring the ball back to us on land, Nessie stayed in the water pretty much looking like she does in the picture here, and when we'd tell Wrigley to sit before we threw the ball, Belly sat in the water.

They kill me, these girls.

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At 1:01 PM, Blogger susansinclair said...

I wanna go swimming!!! (btw, went to a family birthday party with C., & apparently the 11-year-old birthday girl (C's goddaughter) dared her to jump in the river. So she did. I wished I could've, but I was wearing a frickin t-shirt dress. In front of strangers. Dammit.)


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