Sunday, June 12, 2005

sweet sweet dreams

I'm hoping my dreams are still coming true, that I'm still psychic in my dreams, because last night I had the sweetest sweetest dream about being in a relationship with a lovely man. Early on in the dream, I exercised caution and said to him, "wait, before we get too involved, I need to know if you want kids." He said no. He was sure he didn't.

Speaking of kids, I shipped all of the stuffed kids to Al in Massachusetts--with the exception of Baby Bernie, who went to Paul's in New Jersey. Patting myself on the back for that move. I kept Grampa Schleppy because he's too heavy to ship--he woulda cost me at least $25 in shipping. Besides, we need one stuffy around here other than Belly's toys.

Slept until 10 am today and it felt so good. Took the girl to the doggie park, talked to Paul-o for a while, went to Borders to buy a copy of Welfare Brat, went to the Coffeehouse where I wrote three pages, came home, took Belle for short walk, read a little, ate a little, and here I am. I'm hoping my dear friend Peter's gonna burn me a copy of the new Coldplay cd. Looking out for that....


At 4:40 PM, Blogger susansinclair said...

Whew! You make me feel ever so much better about my decision to de-animal-ify (stuffed ones, that is) before the next move. Even some very old ones are going to be going. Is there an appropriate ceremony?

At 4:49 PM, Blogger aerobil said...

Nope. Just hug them goodbye and move on. Look at me go!


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