on the last day of classes my true love gave to me
stacks and stacks of papers to grade, but also a light at the end of the tunnel. A few weeks where all I get to work on is my book. And the promise of a fresh start.
Today in my 101, we're having pizza and cupcakes (diet be damned) and watching Catch Me If You Can, which does indeed connect to course content as we've been studying the production of--what else--belief, especially in cases of plagiarism and forgery.
In my rhetoric course, we're having cake (diet: dead) and playing Balderdash, which does indeed connect to course content as part of the course dealt explicitly with bullshit and the production of--what else--belief. What makes bullshit believable?
And finally, in my grad social class course, we're workshopping class narratives for this other alleged book we're all writing together. And eating pizza. And any leftover cupcakes.
Color me fat and round and pink. And happy. Content.
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