Tuesday, October 31, 2006

breathe some life into this blog, dammit

er, I mean, Happy Hollow-weenie!

I'm feeling stunted in the blog department. Nothing funny, nothing creative to say. And nothing really to report. Perhaps I've hit the point in my life when life is just a daily grind. Now that I can't bitch about being alone, what can I bitch about? I mean, isn't that what blogs are for--bitching about things that aren't simply perfect in our lives?

I'm bringing Krispy Kreme pumpkin-shaped donuts to class tonight. Yummers.

Part of my problem lately is that I'm reading all these files from job applicants and I'm feeling like I'm not publishing enough. I've got two things out there and Becky and I are doing the book, but it all feels so damn unfinished. I wrote a grant proposal this semester and I did my Watson paper, which I want to turn into something, but still I feel so damn unproductive.

Hmmm, I wonder if any of this has to do with it getting dark so damn early? Harumph.

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At 1:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummm...shut up? Yeah! Shut up!! Oh, wait, I'm s'posed to say supportive things: shut up, you're brilliant, you're doing great, and I love you.

How's that?

At 10:01 PM, Blogger senioritis said...

dahling. If I didn't know you better, I'd think you were a workaholic who was transitioning into having a life and feeling some growing pains. If I didn't know you better.

At 5:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooh...much better said! Now, send some of the workaholic stuff my way, and I'll send you some of the enjoying-having-a-life stuff, 'kay?


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