Thursday, March 15, 2007

lest you believe I'm always productive...

If your name is Schmoozin, you're likely to believe that I'll accomplish everything I put on my list of things to do over spring break. But it shall not be.

Yesterday I had a glimmer of a new idea around which to organize my Sites of Plagiarism chapter, so I was excited. Today I worked on it and was just bored. I don't do so well when I'm bored. Gonna try again tomorrow, but until then, and probably until it's finished, I shall instead suffer from a low-grade anxiety that makes me want to eat only ice cream and tums.

I still do not know how to relax.

S. suggested I watch a movie or some taped shows that I've been wanting to watch, but I can't watch TV during the day. It depresses me.

So I'll probably go grade a few papers until it's time to take the girl to the vet for a follow-up visit at 4:00. Gotta keep a close eye on those stinkin' toenails.


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At 1:59 PM, Blogger susansinclair said...

TV during the day leaves me riddled with guilt...and thus anxiety... I was at Target for about 45 minutes today, which is a sure sign of procrastination! :)


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