Friday, October 12, 2007

buh-bye Grey's

Last night I resisted watching Grey's Anatomy. I read instead. A novel, not anything for school. I was so proud of myself. See, a couple weeks ago I renounced it for being so stupid, but last week I switched it on anyway cuz I was too tired to do anything else. It only confirmed for me how ridiculous it's become.

Right now I'm reading Susanna Moore's The Big Girls and loving it. I'm reading a whole host of academic books, too, and I can't help but wonder this semester how I've ever gotten anything done during my 3-load semester. Of course, in years past I was living alone so that made things a bit easier.

While we're on the subject of teaching, last night I dreamt that I was interviewing for a job at the University of Utah. I remember missing Illinois while I was there, and I skipped out on the "exit interview" before finding my way to the airport in Utah. To get to the airport, you had to go to the post office and wait for a shuttle. It was a Sunday and the post office was open. See, things are different in Utah.

And no, this doesn't mean I'm on the market.


At 9:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm teaching a graduate seminar from 6:30 to 10:00 on Thursdays, so I've had to do without Grey's this season. I must admit that I haven't missed it. I feel the same way about Desperate Housewives on Sundays; that's become silly, too. One show I won't give up, though, is Brothers & Sisters. It's one of the few guilty pleasures I allow myself these days!



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