Friday, December 09, 2005

nostalgia for the present moment

Last night's grad class was so damn good that I actually said out loud, "I'm already feeling nostalgic for this class." And while it was technically the last class, we're meeting at least five times next semester to workshop narratives for the book. So it wasn't really over. But still. The workshopping last night was so good and it so resembled what I think of as good group therapy that I didn't want it to end. I wanted to freeze some of those moments when people were being so damn insightful and so damn helpful and so damn generous with one another. We all pick up on such different things in each other's writing that I found myself saying over and over, "shit, this is gonna be good." At the beginning of class, I remembered thinking, "it's gonna be a lot of fun to write the intro to this book." By the end of class, I was scared to think about writing it because it's going to be so complicated. Good complicated.

God, I love this stuff.


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