Sunday, November 05, 2006

in which Annabelle stars in a Lifetime movie of the week

Today at the park one of the funny things (there were many, some of which are too racy to report here) that developed was the pre-planning for a Lifetime movie of the week starring everybody's favorite love-starved dog. Its title shall be

Desperate for Love: Annabelle's Struggle

We came up with this brilliance after watching Belly desperately try to attach herself first to Neecy then to Sahara and then to me, all with little luck because Neecy and Sahara were too busy monitoring the playtime shenanigans of their boys Tanner and Lucky. So Belly wandered off, sullen. Poor baby girl.

With the royalties from her movie, she shall hire four or five full-time petters.



At 7:57 PM, Blogger senioritis said...

I shall move in with you, and Belly shall have all the love she wants. 24-7.

At 5:57 AM, Blogger aerobil said...

Excellent. That way, I shall have all the Scrablle I want, too! w00t!


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