Monday, November 06, 2006

job ad: Annabelle petter

Full-time. Five positions open. Beautiful, high-maintenance, doggie wog seeks five humans to serve as full-time petters. Positions to be filled immediately (my mommy doesn't pet me enough). Pay is pretty low, but benefits are good. Medical: I'll lower your blood pressure and help you lose weight with lots of walks. You'll develop upper body strength, particularly in the upper arms, from petting me nonstop. Dental: I'll brush your teeth for you first thing in the morning. Sick days: As many as you need, as long as your arms are still working. Vacation: summers off since Mommy's home with me.

Serious applications only to Lyings and Tirades and Fears, Oh My! I trust my mommy, who works way too much, will forward applications to me out of guilt for not petting me enough.

An equal opportunity employer.



At 7:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sensing a general dearth of qualified applicants hear. (How come "hearth" isn't pronounced like "dearth"? Okay, this parenthetical remark definitely qualifies as a "schmoozin.") Perhaps it's the fear that if one begins petting the Belly, one may not want to stop...

At 10:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So how come "hearth" isn't pronounced like "earth" as "dearth" is!



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