Last night I dreamt I was in Germany, trying to find my way around the subway/bus system, and to take a break, I decided to see a movie. But first I had to find just the right blazer to wear with my brown pants. In my dream, movie prices were based not on the movie or on the time of day or on one's age but on the
frame--as in how many frames make up a movie. The more frames, the more the ticket cost.
In other news, I signed up for softball today. ISU doesn't have an intramural program as far as I can tell, so we're putting a team together for the town o' Normal. Contest: name that team!
Like the youngest child that I am, I walked around the department yesterday with my copy of
Authorship in Composition Studies open to page 41. Look at me, everybody, look at me. Yesterday at lunch with Hilary-with-one-l, also a youngest child, I confirmed that my tendency to say "You can't make me" in response to any request is indeed a result of being bossed around far too much in the formative years.
Hillary-with-2-ls, aka, the one I've known all my life, is getting an inground pool installed in May! That's all I ever wanted as a kid. Well, that, and to be an only child, but still. How cool!
Wir gehen schwimmen.